Monday, July 1, 2019

11 Songs to Work Out to This Summer

Time to get that body right! (And no, this gif in No way is intended to promote Toy Story 4)

I had no idea what a "Summer Body" was, so naturally, I consulted Urban Dictionary.

Urban Dictionary defines a "Summer Body" as the following:

the f--ked up thing that society created and expect everybody to have each summer and if they don't, well then your suddenly are "fat, chubby, obese". tired of this sh-t and these high expectations. F--K SOCIETY AND EAT LOADS OF CHOCOLATE. And if people ask you why you eat chocolate when you are supposed to get the "summer body", eat them as well.

Now, I'm sure this isn't the most...objective definition of a summer body, but everyone wants to look their best, right?