Saturday, January 13, 2018

My Top 17 Favorite Guest Verses of 2017

Yes, 2017 is done and in the books. Now, that it's 2018, let's approach 2018, butt-first by looking back at the best of 2017. I know this is way later than the usual publications who publish their end of the year lists as early as the first week of December (which, I get why, but if you have major music releases coming out near the end of the year, why in the world would you snub those releases just to salvage a few extra clicks? I guess capitalism is a MF huh, gotta get that money.)

Anyway, today we'll be looking at the best "Guest Verses of 2017" where I'll be examining which rapper (or singer) came onto another artist's track and absolutely stole the show (not in a competition aspect but more in a "hey, this artist is really having a moment right now, and it so happened to be on another musician's song).

Monday, January 1, 2018

1 Year Anniversary of Hip Hop & Other Things

One year ago today, I started this blog...
I started this blog one year ago today, I had no idea what I was doing other than I wanted to share my year end list and the hip hop head section of reddit had an anti "posting your 'listicles' policy" so I decided to make a blog to showcase my honorable mentions and picks for the best hip hop albums of 2016.

That was one year ago today. Now, I've tried to think what I could do to make this blog better...